Hello, everyone,
I am so excited to be
part of Global WordFest.
First of all, just thank you Dan Maby
from Big Orange Heart for
giving me this opportunity.
Thank you so much von Michelle Frechette
the WordFest speaker lead.
I really, really appreciate
this opportunity.
And thank you to all of you as well
for tapping into my session.
Let me know in the comments, first of all
where are you based?
I’m hoping I can be there
in the comments as well.
I would love to know where you’re based.
I’m Nicole Osborne,
I’m a marketing coach for
Digital Agency Owners.
My company name is Wunderstars
and I’m actually based in sunny London.
Well kind of sunny today.
So let me know where you are based.
So what are we going to
be talking about today?
Let me jump straight into my presentation.
Just haring it here.
Here we go.
Oops, fantastic, I hope
you can see what I can see.
So my talk today is all
about winning more clients
by sharing your story.
Now I know many website designers,
people from the WordPress community
are so at ease talking all things tech
and you’re really passionate about it.
And sometimes you talk a
little bit too much tech.
It’s such a crowded
marketplace at the moment
and it’s an opportunity
for you to stand out
and connect with your dream clients.
The kind of dream clients
who get what you’re about,
who you love working with,
and who pay you you’re worth.
And you can achieve this
by standing up on social
and sharing your story.
So my talk today is all about
enabling you to do that,
to find your stories, to know
what to do on your pages,
how to stand out on social,
to really connect with your ideal clients
and get more of them.
I hope you’re gonna have lots of fun.
There’s gonna be time for questions
and I’m just really pleased to hear,
so let’s jump into it.
To start with, here is a
very brief introduction
’cause I want you to know who I am.
So I’m based in London, my name is Nicole.
I’m founder of Wunderstars.
I offer marketing coaching
to agency founders.
I started my marketing career,
would you believe it, nearly 20 years ago
and after having a
first-class marketing degree,
I actually worked at The Financial Times.
I was in charge looking
after selling advertising
in the Financial Times and on FT.com
to advertisers all across the globe.
I’ve also worked at the
Institute of Directors,
again being in-charge of International
markets and their Training Offer
and marketing and creating new markets.
I am a Chartered Marketeer,
so I really take my profession
on really, really seriously. :-]
I train for the Professional
Academy in digital marketing.
My most recent kind of
corporate stint at an agency
was actually at Mighty Social
where I was their marketing
director for nearly four years.
I helped to make sure that they
became one of Europe’s fastest
growing ad tech companies
and they specialise in
social media an paid media.
And it really gave me such a great flavor
for working with agile agencies.
Now throughout all all my marketing career
I’ve always commissioned
website projects and
digital marketing projects.
So I really know what kind of
things clients are looking for
when they are pursuing new projects,
how they’re making decisions.
Now I’m also an event speaker,
hence, I’m here today.
I’m absolutely excited to be here today.
You see a picture here from
the Cambridge Social Media Day
and also from one of my favorite events,
I’m sure you know it already,
Agency Transformation,
the popular community and event,
Lee Matthew Jackson built.
If you don’t know him yet, check him out.
Lee is such a lovely guy
and I credit him a lot for helping me
to really specialize in
working with digital agencies.
So I’ve been a guest on his podcast twice
and I’ve also been guest posting
for Atomic and Youpreneur
and many, many more.
So here’s my introduction.
Let’s get started.
Now I know, when I encourage
you to stand out on social
and to share your stories.
This is not the sort of thing you wake up
first thing in the morning, thinking,
I must market myself,
I must share my story.
You know, often I hear the
biggest objections are,
“Nicole, I don’t know what to post,
“what is okay to say on social?”
And “Nicole, I am simply
too busy with client work
“to look after my own marketing.”
I totally hear you guys,
let me know in the comments,
does that apply to you?
I would love to know.
And I’m going to reveal
some techniques today
and some further free resources
to help you just with that.
Now, today is all about helping
you to attract more clients.
It’s definitely worth making that time
to work on your business.
So it’s all about sharing stories.
Let me tell you a little story.
And it’s a story I’ve shared
since I became a speaker
because it really seemed
to resonate with people.
So I hope you will enjoy it as well.
So would you believe it, when I grew up,
I really admired this
guy, David Hasselhoff.
As you can see, even my hairdo
lookrd like his curly hairdo.
Now, why would I look
like David Hasselhoff?
Well, I was born in former Eastern Germany
and in former Eastern Germany,
he was such a huge star.
He really did his marketing well
because he tapped into
all the aspirations we had
all the wants and dreams we had.
And he presented us with
things we aspired to.
Let me tell you a little bit
more if you’re intrigued.
So I grew up in former Eastern Germany
and I could always watch
all of the TV ads from Western Germany.
So I really badly wanted Haribo.
I wanted some fancy trainers
because in my class in Eastern Germany,
everyone, all the teenagers would spot
exactly the same pair of shoes,
which isn’t cool, you know.
I wanted some bananas,
because we had to go out
and queue for bananas
and tell the shop assistants
how many people were in our families
to perhaps get bananas like twice a year.
I wanted Nutella, I really love Nutella,
that’s like a reoccurring theme here.
I wanted a Barbie doll.
I wanted to have proper
chewing gum and fancy cars
because these are all the
things we aspired to have
and we couldn’t have.
And David Hasselhoff,
you know, he was a lead
actor at “Baywatch”.
He represented all the
things we couldn’t have.
You know, he was walking along
on the fancy golden sand
beaches of California.
He had the Nightrider car
which was all singing and dancing.
So he did a great job as inspiring us
and making us see the things
we really really wanted,
a lifestyle we really, really dreamt of.
You know, if you look at these pictures
on my right hand side, you
will see my mum and I in Prague
because that was one of the destinations,
us people in Eastern
Germany could travel to.
And I actually traveled to
Prague about nine times.
And then on the left-hand side,
you know, you have a Trabant,
this is the car we had for years.
There’s a picture of myself
and my cousin. [laughs]
So you can see why we really aspire
to all the things David Hasselhoff had.
And in addition to that,
he really tapped into
our need for freedom,
that Germany was separated,
Eastern Germany, Western Germany.
This is a picture on the right-hand side
and the wall came down, you know.
We wanted freedom, we wanted to be unified
and because David did
done such a great job
when he was singing this
song, this rock ballad
which is all about ‘I’m
looking for freedom’.
We really adored him.
So I want to encourage you today
to be as inspirational as
the Hoff, to be the Hoff,
so when you hopefully share
anything on social today
use #WordFest and use #BeTheHoff,
I can’t wait to see
what you’re learning from today’s talk.
Now, we all know people
do business with people
and it’s actually with people
they know and they trust.
And then you start sharing your stories
as the agency founder
and you bring in your team
members if you have a team.
It really allows you to build up
that like know and trust factor,
which is so important to
help you to stand out.
So today in my talk, this
is what we’re gonna cover.
We’re gonna talk about why stories work,
just a little bit of
interesting details behind it.
You know, what kind of website worries
your ideal clients will be having.
Really kind of worries
you can’t afford to
ignore with your content.
How you can find your own story,
so I’m gonna make that
really easy with you.
How you can standout on digital world,
so really to win your dream clients.
And then I’ll also make
some time for questions
and share some additional free resources,
because I really wanted to
walk away from this talk today
inspired to be sharing your stories
and to give you all the tools
you need to get started.
So just to let you know
into a little secret,
you know, I haven’t always
found this very easy.
You know, you see me now
and I’m talking to you,
but when I had my first website,
you know, there wasn’t a
picture of myself on that.
I wasn’t sharing any of the stories
and I positioned myself,
about four years ago
as a marketing consultant
when I first built up
my then business that was
called Lollipop Social.
And you know, creative marketing solutions
to grow your business
is not really going to make
me stand out, would you agree?
Let me know in the comments.
So today my website, this
is what it looks like.
And you can see,
I share my stories in there
and I try to bring a fun element to it.
So I just wanted to show you this
because we can all make this
journey of standing out more,
of increasing our visibility.
So here’s one of my
favorite marketing quotes.
“Marketing is a contest
for people’s attention”
by Seth Godin and I think that’s so true.
Do you know there’s so much noise,
particularly in the website space
and the design space, WordPress community.
So we’ve got to cut through this noise.
Just a quick research here on Google.
In the UK, in the UK alone,
if you put in web design
agency into the search engine
over 530 million hits come up.
If you narrow it down to a
website designer in the UK
it’s still over 704 million.
So you can see there’s
lots of competition,
lots of noise going on.
So how can you actually stand out.
Now, the same on LinkedIn,
one of my favorite platforms.
I know not many web designers like it yet,
but I am working on that
to help you with that.
You know, again, web
design agency UK, 66,000,
web design, in the UK 95,000.
So you can see here that you
really got to do something
to stand out and to get noticed.
So you can stand out with your stories,
you know and get noticed by
more of your dream clients.
And I’m gonna talk you through now
of how you can do that.
Storytelling is brilliant,
because it really cuts through the noise.
I see many web designers
who have a lot of techy
things on their website,
lots of infographics
and how they do things.
But actually it’s stories
which will get you noticed,
because stories are kind of addictive.
You know, they bring us all together,
they show us what we have in common.
You know, some of you
might’ve been brought up
in an Eastern European place.
You know, I have some of my clients
who love David Hasselhoff,
so we connected over those stories.
You know, stories make us more memorable
and help us stand out.
And though you can really
tap into storytelling
to grow your audience and to
grow your agency’s income.
So I hope all of these reasons
will convince you to
start posting your stories
and to grow in confidence
in sharing the stories.
Now, don’t just take it from me.
Here’s George Lucas.
You know, he’s the man behind
“Star Wars”, wow. [laughs]
And even he realized very early
on when people get to know
the people behind your product and service
and how it’s made, they
talk about you more.
And this is what we want
to inspire people to do,
to talk about us, because word of mouth
is still a great way to win new clients.
Now I was reminded of this
actually in one of our last
events I managed to do,
to go before COVID hit us,
which was the Social Media Marketing World
in San Diego in 2020,
and Mike Stelzer was very much
talking about story sharing
and the power of it and it
really, really inspired me.
Tell me in the comments
who is a “Star Wars” fan.
Let me know.
So, why does storytelling work?
Good things happen when
our brains hears a story,
good things which make us memorable,
which help us to connect.
So there was a great story,
actually a great research study
by the Harvard Business
publishing journal.
And I encourage you to look it up.
Basically, our brain releases
so many different positive chemicals.
We’ve got cortisol.
So if you’re trying to make a point stick
cortisol assist with
formulating our memories,
how cool is that?
Dopamine regulates our emotional responses
that keeps us engaged
because we all know if we connect
our emotion with a memory,
it really, really sticks.
And then oxytocin, you know,
it helps us with empathy and connecting.
So those are some lovely things
to inspire by your
storytelling and your marketing
to really get noticed and
to win your dream clients.
So talking about your dream clients,
I am assuming that you know
your dream clients very well,
that you all have a user persona.
So what are their interests?
What challenges do they have?
What business opportunities
are they looking to take advantage of,
what transformation are they hoping
to get from their website?
Now, having commissioned so many website
through out my marketing career,
now working with my clients as well,
I would certainly identify
with all of these website worries
I’m going to share with you.
Because you can’t afford to ignore them,
they’re such an opportunity
for you to tap into them,
into your storytelling, how
you help clients overcome these
and to really meet your audience
where they are at.
I don’t know how to start
looking for an agency.
Let’s say you are working
as a marketing executive
in a small company, or a larger company,
where do you start looking?
So could you put something together
that shows people how
to find the best agency
for their project?
Do you know how will I know
if the agency is any good
once I chose them?
Are they just going to be brilliant
at pitching and presenting
it and winning me.
But what about for other project?
Do you know the best will in the world?
We all know sometimes the website projects
can go on longer than expected.
There could be some challenging points.
So as a client, I want to know
that you are going to look after me.
So I want to know what
it’s like to work with you.
Do you know, how will
I know if a new website
is going to be working?
I am not a digital marketeer,
so how will I know if it’s
doing really, really well?
Will the agency really
helped me to figure that out?
Do you know another thing really is,
will I have the time to see this through?
Because often priorities change.
Actually, what will happen
if my priorities change
and do I really need to invest
in a new online presence?
Is it really, really necessary
or can I ask my company just
get away with my old website?
What happens when
project priorities change
once perhaps the owner of a business
has got another pet project.
What will happen to this project?
How will the agency evolve
and help me to still deliver?
And finally, what do I do if I
can’t get buy-in from my team
that you often have at your client’s face
that’s one person that’s
signing off on behalf of a team,
perhaps not the most senior person
and then priorities changed.
So will be agency help me to get by him?
Our pictures and our brand is out of date.
So do we need to get a brand,
do we need to get new pictures
before we start this website project?
When are we ready to
start the website project?
And actually what makes us different?
What are our key messages?
Do you know as marketeers, I know you guys
so you will understand
how important that is,
but how difficult that
often is for many companies
to identify that.
So the more you can help them
with these kinds of questions upfront,
the more you can show them
that you are the right
agency for them to work with
on their website project.
So in summary, there are five mistakes
I see very, very often.
And I just wanted to share them with you
to make sure that you totally
are avoiding them from today,
that is my invitation to you.
So number one, that you don’t actually
work with these objections and worries,
because I think the more
you take them into account
you can actually turn them
into really great sales conversation.
So work on these objections,
they are there so don’t ignore them.
Hide away from your channels.
And you know, I see this a lot
and I’m actually gonna show you
some examples a little later
that many digital agencies
really are not showing themselves
as for agency founder
or their team members
on their digital channels.
And actually you are your
best marketing asset.
People want to see, remember
what George Lucas said
people want to see how
you’re working, who you are,
so that has such a great opportunity.
So I hope my talk today inspires you
to work on your own visibility.
Another challenge I see is
you guys are often too vanilla
’cause you don’t know what to say.
You go to other extreme
that you becomes so formal,
almost boringly vanilla that
your content doesn’t stand out.
This is not what people want to see.
They want to connect, they want
to see the person behind it.
So don’t be afraid of
sharing your personality
and injecting humor if that’s
relevant to your sector
and really being yourself.
And sorry, guys and
ladies too much technical.
Now let me know in the comments,
any of these applicable to you?
Tell me, I would love to know.
So final one really,
that you’re not tapping into
the power of storytelling
is, you know I’ve enabled
one of my clients to do this
and also shared some
LinkedIn tips for him,
which meant that actually within
three months of doing this
he got a project via LinkedIn,
which was 15 times the value
of his normal website projects.
And it was a really lovely client,
and really interesting project.
So I wanted to share that with you
’cause it does really, really work.
So this is what one of my
Wunderstars client has achieved.
And you can do the same.
Now, sharing your stories
enables you to connect
and it answers your dream
client’s website worries.
So if you do these couple of things
that is such good
opportunity for your agency
to get more clients.
Here’s just an example.
So one exercise I’ve come
up with about a year ago.
It’s the Wunderstars Cupcake Exercise.
Now, I was actually really lucky
that a lovely Lee Jackson
had invited me to his
community agency Trailblazer,
to run a five-day challenge.
So over five days I took web designers,
like you creative people
through a process of starting to identify
who their stories are.
And here I’m actually talking to Dave Foy
and Mike Killen, amazing
people in your community.
And we’re talking about the challenges
of sharing your stories
and actually what we found.
So if you wanna see what we said
go out and check out this Facebook group.
But both of them have really said
that it’s so worth breaking
through those barriers
of owning your stories
and start using them to
connect with your audience
and your sales stories, but
also how you present yourself.
So here is my cupcake exercise.
So imagine, imagine
you’re going to a party
and you’re making
cupcakes, I love cupcakes.
There are certain cupcakes
you’re really happy to share
and there’re certain flavors
you always keep to yourself
because they’re like your
favorite flavor stack,
for me, that is chocolate.
So bear with me with this
analogy on this exercise.
So the first step
to figure out which cupcakes
you’re going to share
is actually to know your audience,
what would resonate with them?
What would they find interesting?
Now, one thing to help you,
because often we worry
about how we perceive.
So why don’t we put up
a version of ourselves
with anti version of ourselves,
of how we don’t want to be perceived.
Now, I know for me, my anti
version, she is very formal,
she wears suits for everything she does.
She would never, ever talk
about German stereotypes
and she would just know it all.
And hopefully I’m really different.
So once you know what
your anti version is like
it will really give you
confidence for sharing content
which is exactly the opposite.
Step number two, in this easy process.
Reflect really on what makes you, you.
Do you know, why do you do what you do?
What was your purpose?
What do you enjoy doing?
What are some of your success stories
and some of your failures?
I worked out with one of
my Wunderstars clients,
actually, what made him different
was the fact that this
was his second business.
And because his target market,
his ideal audience are startup companies
how reassuring is it for them to hear
that, you know, you’re experienced,
this is not your first business,
you’ve overcome certain things.
You are a, I like to call it
a entrepreneur with battle scar.
So picking stories that
resonate with your audience
is really, really, really powerful.
And don’t be afraid of sharing details
and I’m gonna help you
actually trying to figure out
what’s best thing to share as well.
So step number three,
you look at all the things
you’ve come up with.
You figure out what resonates
with your dream clients.
You know, what are the kinds of stories
your friends always remember you for?
What are the kind of stories,
if you’re not a confident storyteller,
and I didn’t use to be.
I had to sort of tap into,
okay, so when I’m at networking events,
what do people remember?
And for me, it was always
with Eastern German stories.
So try and do the same for yourself.
So then you know which
stories are best to share.
So you have a bank of story ideas.
Then the fourth that’ll really help you
to unleash those, is to
check in with your family.
Do you know, are you happy for me
to talk about these things.
Because I’m not encouraging you
to air your dirty washing in public.
This is about picking the stories
which work with your audience,
which you are happy to share
and that will give you a
really solid foundation.
So that will then allow
you to select the cupcakes.
The ones you want to take to a party,
if I go back to my original analogy.
And then I would advise
you to really practice this
in support of communities, and
here are just some examples.
So you have a GoWP,
they do a fantastic happy hour on Friday.
So join that, talk about your wins,
talk about your struggles.
Obviously there’s Lee Jackson’s community.
Here at the bottom I’m with
my own Wunderstars community.
We have once a month, we have a Wunderbar
where we talk about our wins,
our challenges in a social setting.
So if you use your peers and your friends
to practice telling these stories,
it’s gonna be so much
easier in the future.
Now, standing out with our stories
across your digital channels
will help you to win more dream clients.
So in this section, I’m
going to talk to you
about how you can achieve that.
Now, a big place to get this
right is your About Page.
And I have seen so many About Pages
which are just simply way too vanilla.
And I really hope with these suggestions
you can change that.
You have some really practical hints here.
So first of all, you want to show
that you understand your dream clients.
You want to meet your
audience where they are at.
So what do they struggle with?
Because frankly your About
Page is a conversation opener.
It is not so much about you
but actually about opening that dialogue.
You want to talk about
your audience’s challenges.
So perhaps if you talk about,
if your niche is e-commerce sites,
do you know, what do e-commerce
sites face at the moment
where we transitioned from Brexit?
Can you bring up an
example on your About Page
how you’ve helped a
client to overcome this?
You want to show your personality
because there’s too
many boring About Pages.
You want to talk about
your story and your why
to offer your audience
something to remember.
And also you can show off some
of your favorite projects.
And you know, you can retake this,
so you always have something
to say, something new to say.
So tell me in the comments,
who is going to change what
they’ve got on their About Page?
Tell me, I want to know.
Whatever you do, whatever
you do, be visible,
you know, don’t hide
away, it is so important.
Human beings connect
with other human beings.
So we want to see you,
we want to see pictures of your office,
we want to meet your team if you have one.
And I’m going to give you
some more tips on that
but whatever you do, don’t end
up like this guy hiding away.
So, a great content idea
is actually behind the scenes content.
And the reason why I mentioned
these kinds of stories
because they are completely under utilized
and you are your best marketing asset,
it’s you people want to see.
So here’s an example you could
easily turn into a block,
into a reel on Instagram.
So let’s say you are
working on a new brand
for your clients.
And I’ve recently just
gone through this process
with Wunderstars.
So, you know, you could show
off your original branding
and people love to see
logos like before and after.
You could share shots of
your brand questionnaire.
Obviously you don’t want
to give anything away
to your competitor.
So just make it really short.
You could, you know, show
a different logo versions.
I mean, how much do we love
looking at different logo versions?
I totally love it.
Do you guys, tell me in the comments.
And then you could also
talk about the client reveal
and a testimonial.
Now this story will really show off
how would you’ve help the
clients solve a specific problem.
And it’s gonna be really,
really intriguing,
and it’s so easy to do.
You are sitting on this content,
so I hope next time you
work on a project like this,
you share it.
Agency growth stories.
Now it’s so important that
we talk about our agency
and how we’ve evolved.
You know, perhaps you’ve
entered for an award.
You don’t even have to win
it to make it a good story.
So definitely introduce your team.
You know, what makes them
interesting people to work with?
And it’s okay, you know,
someone who’s into SEO
might have different interests
when you’re a creative person
but that’s interesting.
What does your office space look like?
Okay, you might have to
tidy it up a little bit.
I know before I filmed this today,
I just tidied it around my little shelf.
But it’s so worth doing that,
people love seeing shots of
your office, your workspace.
Particularly now where so many more people
are working from home.
So it’s not expected that
you have this fancy setup.
You know, this is not
what people want to see.
They want to see real
and authentic settings.
Also talk about how you got started.
What made you set up your business,
really really interesting to
share different milestones.
Now the final idea here is
you, bear with me, it’s
just really worth it.
Yes, you are the star of the show
because you set the culture
and be agenda and the
mission for your agency.
So your audience wants to get to know you.
So could you talk about your journey?
What do you do when you’re not working?
You know, you are a real person after all.
Perhaps you can share like learning,
like learnings when you
go to events like this,
you know, you could talk
about you attended WordFest
and this is what you learned.
Talk about your why,
that is so interesting
and it will make you so unique,
because there’s only one of you.
So I hope this encourages you
to start sharing your stories
across social and across your About Page,
across your digital channels.
My clients have seen some
amazing results with it.
And you know, I know you might be saying,
“Oh gosh, like how do I do this?”
So I just wanted to give you some examples
of what I use over the years.
So, you know, I am lucky
I have a personal trainer.
She is a fellow business woman, Milner.
And once a week, we’d
do the Zoom sessions.
So every now and then I post about that,
because I am a real person. You
know, I’m also stuck at home
and I need to do things to keep fit.
Left hand side it’s my family,
we went to a Dino Park in
the UK, so talked about that.
Pictures of my mum.
Do you know, my parents
were entrepreneurs.
Okay, both their business’
failed, but that doesn’t matter.
But my first jobs was helping them.
So that really made me who I am today.
Here just a coffee I had
with one of my clients,
my Wunderstar, Kevin.
You know, talk to you about,
I share the story about David Hasselhoff.
Look here, so Tom and I, Tom Amos’s.
I think he’s at the event today as well,
one of my Wunderstars.
This is how we actually met.
You know, I talked about Hasselhoff.
We had to [indistinct]
it was a bit of fun.
So you can see, none of
these are fancy images.
You know, you all have a smartphone now,
it’s so easy to start sharing your story.
I hope this has encouraged you
to see that it doesn’t have to be fancy.
Now, I want to show you this example.
So this is Jamie,
if you can see on the right hand side
a really lovely gentleman by the way.
You can see on the right-hand
side his Facebook page,
and you know, he loves adventure sports.
He does all these fancy
mountain bike thingies.
And then you see his business website,
and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me saying,
but you know, he’s
absolutely hiding from it.
Let’s work together now,
how is that going to help him stand out?
If he brought some of
his adventurous self,
what he represents to his business website
it would be a much
stronger first impression
because our website, you know,
is our shop window to our world
and we want to make it
look really, really strong.
So don’t be afraid of
bringing in your stories.
And one of my Wunderstars,
David Foy has really mastered
this super, super quickly.
So, on the left hand side,
you see, Dave’s amazing
first website design
build back amazing
course, highly recommended
but you can see it’s all very technical
on the course page, right?
Therefore on the right-hand
side, his latest website,
he’s got on my navigation, My Story.
And if you want to be inspired,
I’ll certainly encourage you to check out
you know, he’s made
storytelling part of his story
and he really increased his comfort zone.
We worked out what his anti version was,
how he didn’t want to come
across as Mr. Douche Dave
and it’s really empowered
him to now share his story
and to connect with more
of the right people.
So I would fully recommend
you checking that out
as something to inspire you.
Now I know sometimes these
things are a little bit scary
but all the things worth our
doing are a little bit scary.
So I’ve just wanted to
share this with you.
So, this is Emmanuel Acho, he’s amazing.
He does this amazing series about
Uncomfortable Conversations
with Black Man.
I would fully recommend you check it out.
And one of the things he
has said related to that
but it applies to us as well.
“Everything in life
that is worth something
“starts with some sort of discomfort
“but it’s only uncomfortable
until you try doing it.”
He is absolutely amazing.
I’ve checked out all his videos,
I’ve applied these techniques
to my own conversations
with my husband, with my friends.
And it’s really make me much more clued on
when it comes to racism and
how to be more inclusive
and to stand up for not having racism.
So I would recommend you check him out.
Now, I promised you some
additional resources,
so here we go.
I have got 30 days of Content Inspiration
for you as a digital agency founder.
You can find it on my website,
As soon as you sign up for it,
you get the 30 days of
Content Inspiration,
which will make it easy for
you to stand up on social
for a whole month and longer.
Plus as part of a welcome series,
I will share with you a
cupcake Story Finder Exercise.
So all these questions, all
these useful story prompts
I gave you earlier,
you will find in a
concise Google document.
You can go through it at your own leisure
and to really nail your
storytelling in 2021.
So go on, get that.
Let me know your comments,
will you be taking it out?
Also, I’m very active on YouTube.
That’s actually my home,
I’m growing my channel,
Nicole Osborne Wunderstars.
I have a whole playlist
dedicated with marketing
and social media hacks for
digital agency farmers,
website designers, how
to win more clients,
how to stand out as a website designer,
how to nail it on Insta.
So do check it out,
I would love to welcome
you to my growing channel,
that would be so exciting.
There’s also one on
that getting more done,
because not only do I share marketing tips
but I love to help people
to get things done.
And I know you are so
busy with client work.
And one of the biggest
takeaways I hope from today
in addition to sharing your story
is that you need to treat your marketing
like a client project.
And that is really a mindset,
a mindset change you need to achieve.
Make time for your marketing work,
put time in your diary and
it will definitely happen.
So today we talked about why stories work,
how you can identify
which stories to find,
you can turbocharge your About
Page starting from today.
I gave you some easy
story ideas with examples
and some more resources.
So get yourself 30 days of inspiration
for digital agency owners.
Be like the Hoff.
Do you know, 30 years
after the wall came down
we still adore him in
Germany, we can’t help it.
You can achieve the same
by sharing your story.
I would be so grateful if
you could tell me today
what was your major learning point?
Share it on Instagram,
share it on Twitter,
whichever platform, don’t
forget to use #WordFest.
Any questions you have messaged
me now, I’m right here.
Also messaged me on social,
I’m so happy to hear from you
and I can’t wait to see you all
share your stories with confidence.
Guys, thank you so much.
It was lovely to see you today.
Any questions you have
tell me in the comments
I am right here.
Have an amazing WordFest event, thank you.