Thanks for your interest in speaking and helping us put on an amazing WordFest Live! We are seeking a wide variety of topics and a diverse speaker pool.
If you submit a proposal, here’s what you need to know:
- Sessions cannot be sales pitches for your product or services.
- Standard Talk (40 minutes including Q&A)
- Lightning Talk (15 minutes)
- Panel Discussion (40 minutes including Q&A)
- Wellness Talk (30 minutes including Q&A)
- The event will follow a 24-hour clock, so your session may be presented at any time, although we will endeavour to be as close to your working day as possible.
- Sessions may be delivered live or pre-recorded. Once the team has confirmed your chosen format with you, we ask you do not change it.
- If you choose to pre-recorded, we ask that you be available for a live 15-minute Q&A session following your presentation.
- Speakers are asked to share our social posts to help build an audience from their followers.
The deadline for speaker submissions is December 6, 2021, at midnight UTC. We will start to notify speakers from December 16 2021 onwards.
Once speaker applications close, the WordFest Live organizing team will review the submissions based on topic, assumed interest to attendees, and quality of the application.
If you’d like to propose multiple topics, please submit the form multiple times, once for each topic.
Before registering to become a speaker, we have provided some useful information below.
WordFest is a 100% free and volunteer-driven event, thus we do not have a budget to compensate speakers for their time nor expenses. If cost is a limiting factor for you to attend as a speaker, please speak with the Big Orange Heart team to see if alternative arrangements can be made.
If you have questions or would like to discuss your topic prior to completing the form below, reach out to the Speaker’s Team.
The information submitted here is used on our website and for other aspects of organising and running the event.
Submit A Proposal

Please submit a proposal and provide information regarding our sessions below.
Our call for speakers has now closed.
Thank you to everyone that submitted.
If you have questions, please reach out to the Speakers Team.