The festival of WordPress
January 22, 2021

This is an archive of the January 2021 event

How to Hire Your First Remote Worker

You know you need to hire someone, you’re drowning in work and need to start scaling. But the three big things that stop you from doing it are:
1. You have no idea if you have enough work.
2. You don’t know how to manage staff or get them to do a job.
3. You’re afraid of running out of money and letting them down.

Maybe you’ve already tried hiring before and it didn’t work out. You ended up having more work on your plate and went back to just doing it yourself.

In this session Mike Killen is going to talk through his remote hiring process for finding the right first team member and making sure that you are more effective when you hire.

How to hire a new team member.
The absolute core idea you MUST know before you hire.
Why hiring isn’t about doing – it’s about deciding

Speaker: Mike Killen

Time: 12:00pm UTC
Region: EMEA
Stage: Global Stage

Hi there.

My name is Mike Killen.

I’m the founder of Sell Your

Service, which helps marketing

agencies increase their sales

and find five figure customers.

And in this talk, which I’m really excited

to give to you today, I want to talk about

how to hire your first remote employee.

Now, if you are a remote employee,

this process is still going to

be useful, but because perhaps

you want to grow your team.

But if you’re running a business

and in today’s climate, a lot

of your team might be remote.

You might be able to find staff

and really, really talented

workers all around the world.

And I want to share with you

the process that I’ve got on the

whiteboard behind me, of how I

have hired a team and grown a team.

I think when I talk to business owners

about this, I get the same kind of

few problems and headaches come up.

Maybe you’ve tried hiring

before, and it hasn’t worked out

because it is very stressful.

Having people on your team

is extremely stressful.

Maybe you are unsure about hiring

because you have no idea where you

would find them the work to do.

I think what sums this up is in 2019.

I had a team of about eight people.

Some of them are full-time.

Some of them were part time.

I had video editors, I had

social media people, I had content

editors, and copywriters.

I had an admin person and a bookkeeper.

I had about eight people kind

of floating around me and I

was working harder than ever.

I was stressed out beyond belief.

And in fact, I actually had to call

up Dan from Big Orange Heart to say,

Um, I’m at breaking point here.

I’m supposed to be going on

this round, the world tour

talking about these experiences.

And I don’t think I can get out of bed.

I was so stressed because I was

working incredibly hard just to

try and keep the team to have work.

I actually got annoyed when they

completed their jobs, because it

meant that they came back to me.

Eventually, what I actually

did was sack everyone.

It’s not something I’m

particularly proud of.

Um, certainly, uh, was.

Did not take it lightly at the time,

but since then, I’ve now taken on two

people in a more full-time capacity with

a third potentially coming on board.

And the tone has completely shifted.

I’m way less stressed.

Our business is winning a lot

more effectively and efficiently.

And the way that this was summed up

to me was when you get home after

a really hard day’s work and you

walk in the door, And your partner

says, what do you want for dinner?

That’s you being asked to do another

decision and you go, I don’t care

what I w w what we have for dinner.

I just want you to make the decision.

It’s actually the decision-making.

Behind hiring people and managing

staff that is so exhausting.

And that’s what I want to talk about

today is making sure that when we hire

someone, it doesn’t add to your workload.

Because the problem that I had was I had

video editors and social media posters

and experts and consultants and stuff,

and I had copywriters and copy editors.

And what was essentially happening

is they would edit the video, create

the social media posts, do the copy.

And it was coming back to me

because I had to check it.

I was the one who had the

final say, and that’s my fault.

I basically said to them, look, I want to

make sure that I have a final say in this.

And I thought, well, if

you’re doing the work.

And you’re the one editing the video,

but then I have to check it over.

Why don’t I just edit the video?

And I did that classic swing

manoeuvre where you think this is too

much work working with everyone.

It was actually easier

when I did it myself.

So you get rid of everyone and you

fall back to doing it yourself.

And then as you start to grow,

you take on team members.

Those team members do exactly

the same thing they do.

Exactly what they’re employed to do.

They run the decision past

you and you end up thinking, I

don’t want to do this anymore.

If you’ve ever called up a call center

and said, look, I’ve got a problem with

my service or, or system or whatever.

And they’ve said, yeah,

that’s not a problem.

I just need to go and check it with

my manager and they have to go, then

go take that to their line manager.

And eventually it comes back to you.

You know how inefficient that is?

So, what I want to share with you,

uh, is my process for hiring teams.

It’s actually my process for growing

a team and hiring one remote worker

all the way through to hiring partners

and directors in such a coming on in

a larger capacity for your business.

You might think that you don’t know

what you would hire them to do.

You might even be thinking you’ve

got no idea how to pay them.

We’re going to cover a lot of that.

If you want to go ahead and copy

this diagram, it’s pretty simple.

We’ve just got a circle in the middle and

then we divided up into four quadrants.

So in total we have five areas.

This one at the top is

called our stop list.

We then have interview.

We have outcomes.

We have management and that the

center, we have our core role.

The number one reason why.

New hires tend not to work out is

because they don’t have a defined role.

And the reason that they don’t

have a defined role is because

you don’t have a defined role.

This was revolutionary to me when I first

was told this, it’s easier to train a dog

to do something than to not do something.

So when we take someone on board often,

we’re saying, well, what I want you to

do is, uh, you know, take care of this.

But what I don’t want

you to do is a, B and C.

Instead of being extremely

specific and clear about telling

ourselves what we do want to do.

So at the center here,

we have our core role.

And unfortunately, in this particular

video, we don’t have time to go into the

complete complexities and depths of this.

If you want to learn more about

this, there’s a concept called the

queen bee role by Mike Michalowicz.

It’s in his book Clockwork,

which I highly recommend checking

out what this basically is, is.

What would you hinge the success

of your business on, because what

we’re going to be hiring other people

to do is take work off our plate.

When I had that team of eight people, I

thought that they had, they were taking

work off my plate, but in actual fact

they were putting work on my plate.

And that’s because I wasn’t sure

about what my core role was.

So we need to understand

what your core role is.

You probably do.

six of which are relatively important.

You’ll probably have bookkeeping,

an admin delivering work to the

them sales and marketing, doing the

analytics, networking and generating

leads, something along those lines.

But in those six roles, you’ve

probably got some which you would

hinge the success of the business on.

And what you need to think

about is what would you.

Uh, keep, if there was a role that

you could only do, that would make

all the other roles irrelevant.

So in my particular case for Sell Your

Service, it’s create content.


I have to do bookkeeping and admin.

I have to chase payments, create offers.

I have to do building partnerships,

sales, and marketing, building products,

selling products, running promotional

webinars, but could I create content?

So good and spend all of

my time creating content.

That was so powerful.

Then actually people paid me in

advance that I no longer needed

to run paid workshops that I no

longer needed to create products

because my content was so good.

People are willing to pay for it.

So there’s a core role somewhere

within your business, which is

essentially without that linchpin,

the whole process falls apart.

So in the case of like a burger place,

Their core role might be sourcing and

producing the best beef because without

the best beef, there’s no burgers

without burgers, you can’t do invoicing

and you can’t charge customers because

you haven’t got anything to sell them.

Now, this takes a long time, and

this is perhaps why I think people

struggle with hiring this because they

don’t understand what the core role

is that they bring to the business.

You can’t have five or six

or seven different things.

You need to have one

thing that you’re doing.

If it’s building strategic partnerships,

it’s building strategic partnerships.

If it’s hiring and managing staff,

it’s hiring and managing staff, I’m not

saying that we’re going to get rid of

everything immediately, but over time

you want to be left with one core role.

So in this particular case, in my

particular case, it was creating content.

When I was running an agency, when we

ran a digital marketing agency, my core

role was in fact, Building partnerships.

So partnering with other businesses

and getting them to kind of, you

know, deliver outstanding work for us.

But in this case, I’m going to put

content because I know that I would

hinge the success of my business.

And that’s the phrase I want you to

bring away from this core role is what

would you hinge the success of your

business on if you could, if you could

only do one thing and one thing so

well that all the other pieces moved

away, what would that one thing be?

And then we move into

something extremely pragmatic.

This is called the stop list.

So the stop list is essentially

everything that isn’t your core role.

So any time you do something that is

not your core role, I want you to write

it on the stop list, even if you think,

well, there’s no way I could outsource

this or get someone else to do it.

Don’t worry about that just yet.

This is basically building the hiring

practices that you’re going to be

looking for other people to do.

For example, bookkeeping, anytime

you do bookkeeping, that’s a

really classic example of a

task that is not your core role.

If your core role is client communications

and you find that the best thing

that you can bring to the business

is repeatedly making sure that you’re

having phone calls and communications

with your customers every single day,

assuring them, that they’re making the

right decisions and consulting them.

Then that’s your core role?

Anytime you are doing tech support

and trying to help someone log

in that is not your core role.

So we want to build up a stop list of

items that are not on your core role.

Everything from answering emails to

bookkeeping, to publishing videos,

anything that doesn’t fall under

the purview of creating content

for me goes on my stop list.

Publishing content.

That goes on the stop list, editing

content that goes on the stop list,

creating offers and tech support

and customer service, stop list.

Look what we’re doing

now, I’m creating content.

I’m not going to be the one

editing this video, putting

it together and uploading it.

That’s going to be someone else’s job.

What you’re doing here is building out a

job role for which you’re going to hire.

Now, chances are because you have many

hats within your business, especially

if you’re the only person or if

you’re a pair or a directorship.

You’re going to be doing

a lot of different things.

You’re not going to be hiring one

person to do all of it, but chances

are, there’s a significant amount

that you can get someone else to do.

And like I said, I don’t check my email.

Someone else takes care of my entire

inbox, which at first I thought was

impossible, but it’s freed up so much

time for me to focus on my core role.

And now that I can focus on my core role,

we found that the business has grown.

The next thing we need to do

is to understand the outcomes.

Now, this is where most people fall down.

Because when I say to you,

let’s say I’ve hired you.

And I said, look, I need you to

publish these, these blog posts

and make sure that they’re put out

on social media, that’s the task.

But we all know that when we give a

task to someone and they come back

with how they would want to do it or

how they’ve done it, we go, Oh, that’s

not quite how I would have done that.

That’s because we’ve given them the task,

but we haven’t given them the outcome.

The outcome is essentially

asking them, how did they know.

Th they are successful.

How did they know that

they’ve done a good job?

There’s something really short and sweet.

It might be ordering stationary.

In fact, I’ve had a friend go

through this exact process where

she said, look, I wanted my VA and

assistant order stationary for me.

I said, I need you to order me some pens.

Just go ahead and do that.

And the VA came back with

a load of questions saying,

well, what pens do you want?

What type of pens do you want?

How much do you want to spend?

And my friend was like, look, I

want you to take care of that now.

You think that people are in your head

and a sensible or common sense decision

would be what everyone would go for.

But that’s not the case.

The reason that most people

struggle with hiring and managing

staff is because they’re not

clear on what the outcomes are.

They don’t spend enough time sitting

down thinking, how will someone know

if they’ve been successful at this?

And yes, it takes time.

When you first hire someone,

it takes time to tell them,

look, you’ve got a $20 budget.

I want to get at least five pens.

You can check the reviews on Amazon.

Make sure you get something, uh, that

suitable for me to do bullet journaling.

And when you give them that

information, they don’t come

back to ask you for questions.

Because remember at the start, when I said

the number one problem I had was people

coming to me, asking for my decisions.

It’s essentially me saying,

Hey, go in, edit the video.

But when it comes back, I will tell you

whether it was successful or not, but we

want to give them the success criteria.

So we’re saying to them, The, what I

want you to do is take care of my emails.


I don’t know what that means.

Does that mean just deleting

spam, replying to all emails?

What it meant was I had to go through

that task and think about, well,

in order for them to be successful.

First of all, I don’t log into

my emails and miss anything.

I also won’t get any surprises if

something severe comes or emergency

based, which very rarely if ever does

then yeah, I need to be notified.

I got a lot of customer support

requests and occasionally a

refund request to come through.

So that’d be good for,

they would to be managed.

It basically means that client

communication actually goes up and more

people get a response within 24 hours.

And the more I started thinking about

this, it became clearer on what the

outcomes and success criteria were

for what we were hiring against.

And what this meant was they didn’t have

to come back to ask me questions all the

time, spending 10 minutes working out

the outcomes saved hours in the future,

because it meant that if I asked someone

to do video editing, for example, I

say the success criteria are the, uh,

the video is under eight minutes long.

It’s snappy and well put together.

What I’m actually looking for is

for, uh, our YouTube watch rate

to be pretty consistently high.

Now that means that they might

not necessarily know what the

success criteria is until you start

putting these results in place.

And this is where we start to

move into these areas here,

which is essentially ownership.

When someone knows how they’re

going to be successful at

it, they can start to own it.

We think that ownership comes

with the task, but it doesn’t

ownership comes with the outcome.

So when you say to someone, look, I

want you to go away and edit my videos.

What we’re actually looking for.

The reason I want edited in a particular

way is because I want to make sure

that our watch time is really high.

Or I want our blog posts to be

edited in such a way that they

are grammatically, uh, perfect.

And if anyone’s read my blog posts, you

know, that’s not one of my criteria.

But you want to give them as many

indicators as possible to understand how

they’re going to be successful, because

once they know how they’re going to be

successful, they can take ownership.

There’s nothing more demeaning

to someone when you hire them.

And what ends up happening is they

give you the, they take the task

and they say, yep, here we go.

This is the task.

Um, I’ve, I’ve created

these emails for you.

And all of a sudden, they then

realize that you have come

back and made loads of edits.

So you’ve taken ownership away from it.

I used to do this with our bookkeeping

is I said, I want you to do this.

I would then go in and

make all the changes.

And that was very demoralizing

for the people that I’d hired.

Instead, when I looked at what

the outcomes are, I said, I want

to know what up here now, right.

Is I don’t want any tax surprises.

I want to make sure that we

have a high level overview

of the business week to week.

It was much easier for them to come back.

It does mean you’re going to

have to give up some control.

There’s many ways to skin a cat and not

everyone’s going to do the same thing

that you are, but if you understand

what the outcome is, and if they say

to you, look, I know that you want to

have this edited in this particular

way, but your outcomes are to increase.

Watch time.

We’ll make sure that subscriber

rates go up or the client communication

happens within 24 hours.

If it doesn’t then yeah, I’ll

go back and look at it, but

what you want to make sure.

Is that you give them the opportunity

to understand how they’re going to be

successful, because if they know how

they’re going to be successful, it means

they know how they’re going to be, uh,

to be able to take ownership of it.

So this means we then come over to our

interview process and the interview

process is where I fell down the most.

I hired people based, purely on their

qualifications that they had sent over.

They said, look, I’m a

really good video editor.

I’ve edited videos for these guys.

Here’s some example of

my work, my portfolio.

But when I really looked at what their

values were and their personality, where

they weren’t willing to take ownership.

And we found that out subsequently

with hiring other people, the interview

process is also hard work, frankly,

hiring a full-time VA for me, took at

least two works of solid interview work.

And that’s just for one role

for a lot of larger roles.

You’re looking at months of work.

If you don’t know.

Well, the outcomes and

success criteria are.

And if you don’t know what the stop

list is, and you don’t know what your

core role is interviewing, of course

is going to be very, very difficult.

Now I’m not going to talk about

interview technique, but I am going

to do is say the literal economic

climate that we are in right now.

There is a lot of talent out there.

There is now looking for work that has

been let go from previous jobs right now,

you will be able to hire people who are

outstandingly qualified for positions.

And it’s going to be a case of

you going out there, finding

people who you want to work with.

Making sure you’re clear in the interview

process of who you want to work with.

But then eliminating people because

lots of people are going to apply

on average for a VA type role.

You’re probably looking at anywhere

between one hundred and three hundred applications alone.

Now you’re not going to find the person

you want to hire in that process.

But when you are going to do is be

able to start eliminating people

based on a long interview process,

you are better off taking your time

to interview people going through that

process, asking lots of questions,

putting them through their paces and

testing your own patience as well.

And then finding someone who does work

out rather than trying to hire too quickly

and get them somewhere where they’re

just not going to be able to get it.

Typically, what I do

is I define a job role.

There’s a mixture between

what I don’t want to do.

So I want you to allow me

to do more of my, of my job.

That’s the first thing

you should be hiring for.

Once you take anyone on their

first and most immediate job is to

allow you to do more of your job.

Their second responsibility

is to do their job.

It’s a funny way of thinking

about it, but I’ve found that

when people really understand.

The big picture, like what is it that

Mike is actually asking me to do?

They realized that what Mike really

wanting me to do is to protect his

job and allow him to do his work.

And the way that I’m going to

allow him to do his work is

by taking over his stop list.

So the job role is a mixture

of specific in that we have.

Uh, kind of roles that

we have defined for them.

We say, look, you’ll be doing

a bit of bookkeeping, a bit of

publishing, a bit of answering emails.

Are you comfortable doing that?

And also we want to be broad as

well by saying to them, uh, you

know, would you be comfortable

posting in our social media group?

How do you feel about, uh, making sure

that I’m able to continue creating

content or continue my core role?

How do you feel about editing.

So you want to give some examples

of some specific jobs and also some

broader examples of the types of

outcomes that you’re looking for.

And when you go through this process,

like I said, you’re going to get

hundreds of applications and your job

is to continue to qualify people out.

At any one time you could

probably handle between 12 and

So if you have 300 people, you

actually need to eliminate 280 of them.

That’s how that needs to work.

And you need to be ruthless at that point

and say there was some typos on their CV.

I don’t like their profile image.

Uh, I’m not entirely sure

about their education.

Uh, they haven’t uploaded any ID.

This one’s good.

This person’s ignored the process.

I don’t like the way this one writes.

I’m not totally convinced

about their story yet.

This one’s pretty good.

And you want to narrow it down

and continue narrowing it down.

And eventually you’ll get

a smaller and smaller list.

And when you get to about, I don’t

know, a handful of people, five or

six people, that’s when you want to

start taking this offline into it into

a core, I do all of that via email.

Up until the point where they actually

need to have a conversation with them.

And when I need to have a

conversation with them, I

typically do it over zoom or Skype.

And throughout that, I’m

consistently asking them questions.

I hired from a place online jobs dot P H.

I really recommend those guys.

You can hire people in the Philippines.

Uh, we’ve got a variety of staff there.

They’re English outstanding, uh,

that bright, dedicated, motivated

people with great degrees.

A considerably more.

My virtual team is more educated than

I am, which is not really saying a lot

because it’s not a high bar that I’ve set.

But they also, in particular online jobs,

pH has tons of resources on learning

how to interview and hire people and

manage people through that process.

This is also the point where

people start to think, well,

how much am I going to pay them?

I don’t know if I’ve got

enough time or resources.

We are living now in an economy where

you can pay someone by the hour.

So you could say to someone,

all I need you to do.

And this is part of the interview process.

Part of the job

description is three hours.

Per week, that’s all

I’ve got at the moment.

Are you comfortable with

that three hours per week?

We’ll pay you weekly.

What I need you to do is

two or three of these items.

And as this list grows and believe

me, this list will be longer than

you realize when you first start,

this, these hours might go up.

But again, I personally gone

to it from a different angle.

And I’ve said, my time is

worth roughly $300 an hour.

So if a task doesn’t bring in

$300 in the hour, I need to be

hiring someone else to do it.

I’d rather float it that way and

think of it as buying my own time

back rather than giving someone money.

And if you treat people with respect,

And honesty and openness, and you made

sure that their roles are defined and you

make sure that their tasks are defined.

You help them go through this process.

You’ll find that they’ll give

you a lot more, but that comes

through the interview process.

At some point you’ll be emailing

someone and they will just have

to stop getting back to you.

They’ll just stop

communicating other people.

You’ll say, look, I really prefer if

you write in bullet point format and

they’ll just ignore that you go fine.

We’re going to eliminate you as well.

This is the point that’s

hard because people kind of.

Read the stories and stuff, and you’ve

just got to eliminate all of that.

And then as you get further down the

process, that’s when you want to start

looking at their values, their personality

types, do you get on with them?

If you’re hiring someone for less

than full time, maybe you don’t need

to go into that quite that extent,

but the interview process is long.

And the more time you spend

qualifying people out to find the

right person, you will spend less

time having to manage them later on.

So this last piece here

is about management.

And even for part-time workers, people

who work for you a few hours a week,

all the way up to people who work

to full-time, you want to make sure

that there are some pretty specific

management pieces in process here.

Um, what this is to say is.

The first thing that I actually

asked people to do is to tell me

what they’re going to do day to day.

Now, you might think that that, uh, is,

is too much information, but for me, I

found it extremely useful, especially

from a remote worker standpoint,

we’ve got people who work for us,

uh, all over different time zones.

So I want to know what their

task list is for the day.

So the first thing that they do when they.

Uh, wake up and they kind of get to their

laptop is they write out a quick list of

everything that they’re going to be doing

for me today, but also write a list of

problems that they think they’re going

to encounter and what they need from me.

The second thing is they

then reverse that at the end of the

day, they tell me what they’ve done.

They tell me the problems that they’ve

encountered and they tell me what

they need from me, what this does tops

and tails the days, first of all, it

gives con consistency and it means I’m

able to make sure that items on this

stop list are being done regularly.

And eventually I don’t

need to check that as much.

But the two things I do love to

see, uh, what do I need from me?

What do I need?

What do they need from me and what

problems that they encountered.

Because when they begin to tell you,

look, I wasn’t able to log into Salesforce

or your email account and you go, well,

of course you won’t because they didn’t

give you the right pieces of kit.

And like I mentioned,

clockwork, the books, clockwork.

There’s tons of books on your onboarding

staff, but I just want to talk a

little bit about this management style.

Uh, so I, I find out what my team do.

Day-to-day as our team grows, they

will actually give that information

over to our, uh, business manager.

She’ll be dealing with the

project management day-to-day,

but my VA will tell me what, uh,

they’re going to do day to day.

And then they’ll also tell me that at

third and final is.

Allowing people to make mistakes.

This is maybe the best management

tip that I’ve learned is you have

spent a ton of your time as the

business owner making mistakes.

I joke that my job is to make as many

mistakes as possible per day so that

other people can tell me what’s wrong.

If anyone’s ever watched

any of my YouTube videos.


Read any of my books, uh, got any

blog posts or products, you know,

that I’m constantly getting feedback

from people saying, Oh, this doesn’t

work, or I’m not quite sure about

this or these analytics aren’t working

or there’s a spelling mistake here.

That’s other people telling

me that stuff is going wrong.

So I want to make mistakes and you have to

allow your team to make mistakes as well.

The reality is you’re not

manufacturing oxygen, as important

as you’d like to think your work is.

I got some terrible news for you.

No, one’s going to die.

If you don’t do a hundred

percent of that work.

So if someone in your team makes a

mistake and it’s going to happen,

just like you’ve made mistakes.

You have to allow them to

continue to take ownership.

So this is basically what we

call the ownership, uh, kind of

barrier here between the successful

outcomes, the success criteria,

and managing it themselves.

If you say to someone, look, I

want you to go ahead and edit this

video, they edit it, it goes out.

It’s not quite how you do it.

You have to get rid of that

level of control first.

But secondly, if it completely

misses the success criteria,

then yeah, maybe it’s a mistake.

Maybe if you’re getting them to take

care of your emails and they end up

accidentally emailing every single

person or email lists, something that

was only about to be sent to one segment.


But it’s a mistake and they happen.

And the sooner that people can

make mistakes, the sooner they can

understand how to rectify that.

And if you give people the space and

the freedom to make mistakes, you let

them know that you’re not going to fire

them just because they’ve made mistakes.

They’ll give you a lot more,

when a mistake does happen, you

need to ask them, well, how does

this affect the success criteria?

What would you do differently?

Is this going to happen again?

And they might say, look, I don’t

know if it’s going to happen again.

That’s your fault because you

haven’t put the processes in place

to allow them to be successful.

That’s a difficult pill

for some people to swallow.

But the more open you are to allowing

your team to make a mistakes, just

like you have made many mistakes in

your career and in your business, the

more likely they are to actually take

more ownership over this over time.

So just to quickly recap, the

first thing you need to do is

figure out what your core role is.

Some books call this the queen bee role.

This is actually.

Not necessarily even

what your core role is.

It’s actually what the core

role of the business is.

What’s the most important thing

that happens within the business.

Chances are you are the person

who does that, but we need to

find out what that core role is.

Because when you create a stop list,

that’s going to be a list of things

that prevents you from focusing on this

core role and delivering the best value

and the best metric for your business.

This here needs to turn into outcomes.

You need to understand from this task here

from bookkeeping, what are the outcomes?

And a little piece in here by the way, is

what we call informations and permissions.

So this might be well, if they want to

do bookkeeping permissions, they need

permission to access zero and information.

They need to know how

frequently we do our books.

And this is things like training,

uh, recording processes, recording

documentation, giving them training

materials and things like that.

The outcomes are then how do we

know if they’ve been successful?

Because we’re allowed to then become

owners of that particular task.

When we hire, we give specific

instructions about the tasks, but

we’re also quite broad about the types

of outcomes we want them to do, and

the protection of our role, as well

as giving them as much information

about our businesses as possible.

What’s your vision?

What are your goals?

What do you want going forward?

And we eliminate people until

we get to the right one.

And remember, you can hide by the.

Our right now to help with your stop list,

to allow you to do more of your core role.

And when we manage day to day,

I like to know what is someone

doing at the top of the day?

What’s someone doing at the

end of the day, and if they’ve

made mistakes, not a problem.

Chances are they’ve made

mistakes is actually down to me.

Cause I haven’t been clear on the

outcomes or the, the stop list

and the process and the training.

Uh, up to that point, if you want any

more information about this stuff,

or if you want to get in contact with

me, the best place is probably sell forward slash blog.

But we’ve also got a YouTube

channel at forward

slash sellyourservice.

My name is Mike Killen.

I’m the author of five figure funnels.

As well as from single to scale available

on Amazon as an ebook and as a paperback,

uh, should go ahead and shoot me an email.

[email protected].

Thank you so much for paying

attention during this training video.

I hope it wasn’t too dry and thank you

as well to, uh, Dan and the team at

WordFest for bringing this together.

I’ve absolutely loved, uh, Bringing

this piece here around remote

workers and Big Orange Heart as well.

I’ve also been very, very important to

me individually as a business owner.

So thank you so much.

Uh, have fun with the

rest of the training.

I’m sure.

I’ll see you in the Q and A.

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